Friday, March 26, 2010

Nashasil'ev'nuruodo, the Ithorian's Box and a Toilet Bounty Hunter

The Jedi had given the Ithorian a small box to give to a Master Odun. This box has become the sources of much curiosity within the crew. Apparently it has been making noise and moving about on it's own. This made the captain extremely nervous. Our Zabrak is a technician of some skill, so I asked her to break the box open. It is best that we know what it contains, just in case it is something that could endanger us.

Once the Zabrak opened it, we discovered several tubes and an octahedron. The tubes were containers of some sort and the octahedron was carved with designs and runes. The contents were passed around the entire group. I opened one of the tubes, to discover Ilum crystals. These are the extremely rare focusing component in a lightsaber.

The octahedron was some sort of data retrieval device. Nobody knew how to make it work. The only sign it made was to glow slightly in my hands. When I focused on it, a figure appeared calling me "Padawan" and telling me "No." Mildly irritating. This also gave me away to the crew as something more unusual than a soldier. Luckily, none of them knew what a Padawan was.

When we returned to the world where the captain had gotten his ship, we ran into new trouble. The bounty hunter who had been seeking the Zabrak found us there. She was outside and he stunned her. The Eewuk and I rushed out to find him kicking her prone body. He did not heed my request for her return and shot at me instead. Knowing that one more shot could kill me and ultimately her, I had to blow any chance of seeming mundane. The captain came out just in time to see me strike him with my blade and the Eewuk shoot him.

Due to the Eewuk talking to the Ithorian, the only member of the crew unaware of my weapon is the Zabrak. We left with the unconscious bounty hunter and Zabrak in tow. Nobody, but the Eewuk, has spoke of it to me. The Eewuk thinks it's the most amazing thing she has seen and wants one.

The bounty hunter awakened in hyperspace and we were able to ascertain that the entire problem was caused by the Zabrak's sister. Apparently, she is even more criminally aligned than my current companions. We are at a loss as to what to do with the bounty hunter now. He has seen my blade and knows who we all are. It also won't take long for him to learn of the Inquisitor's search for the Ithorian. According to Zin's teachings, killing him would take me towards the Dark. Letting him go would endanger my life and the lives of the other people on the ship. This has resulted in us having a prisoner.

On our current stop, I have found myself pretending to use the refresher during ship inspection. The bounty hunter got to observe the business end of my blaster pistol during our time in the refresher together. I don't think either of us consider it a bonding experience.

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