Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nashasil'ev'nuruodo, Dead Bodies, Live Ones and Jedi

We managed to gain a cargo contract and get rid of our little problem in the refresher, all at once. Using the moving of cargo in and out of the ship, we moved the bodies out. They are now the problem of the municipal trash cleaners. There will be the smell of cleaning chemicals on the ship for weeks.

As we were preparing to leave the quarantined planet, a couple of the Imperial military's armored soldiers arrived... with two non-Humans in tow. The taller of the two was an Ithorian and some sort of Senate functionary and needed transport to our next stop. The smaller of the two was a technologically primitive tag along. The small one would be the first species I had not ever heard of that I would be traveling with. She called herself Eewuk.

As the captain was beginning his negotiations for the Ithorian's transport, the soldiers rushed out of the bay. I, being a curious sort, followed them. So far, I had only seen these soldiers travel with one of the Dark, frighten civilians, damage a shopping mall and fail at capturing one man with a lightsaber. I wanted to see the next show.

As soon as the soldiers finished setting a grenade charge, they backed into the corridor leading to our ship and ordered me onto the ship. I just stepped further back down the corridor, to watch what happened. The soldiers proved their inability to think on their feet when they turned and ignored me in favor of looking for their target. The Empire apparently doesn't encourage individual excellence. How do they determine promotions?

The target of the explosion wasn't felled by it. It was that same Human Jedi from the shopping mall. He was heading directly towards our docking bay and looked a little worse for wear. It was doubtful as to whether he would survive against the two soldiers. For someone of skill, intelligence and honor to fall to the likes of these machine-like men; would be a disgrace. I decided to make the fight more even. With the use of my blaster, I effectively removed one soldier from the combat with the Jedi. The Zabrak also stepped in and decided to weigh the odds against the soldiers.

After it was all done, the Jedi asked to speak with the Ithorian. Words and objects were exchanged. The Jedi actually claimed that the Empire was run by or allied with the Sith. Those are legends I remember from Zin. Those are not good legends in any way. It is even more pressing that the Ascendancy be made aware of the goings on within the Republic/Empire.

Our very angry captain took us from that world. As we were being scanned so thoroughly that my eyeballs vibrated, a message was sent from the planet. Someone had broken into the planet's government center and hijacked the Empire's communications system, the HoloNet. Apparently, a treaty had been signed officially declaring a Rebellion to Restore the Republic. The Empire was now in the midst of a civil war. Maybe this can distract them enough to give the Ascendancy time to prepare for the eventual invasion of our territory.

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