Saturday, March 27, 2010

Nashasil’ev’nuruodo and the Crew

The people I am traveling with are a diverse and interesting group. I have made passing mention of all of them, but thought I should enter more detail on each of them.

Kahechthan'svor "Than" (Sluissi Ship Captain)

The Sluissi, as a species, are reptilian. They have the lower body of a snake and their upper body resembles most humanoids. Their society is technologically advanced. They known for their extreme calm, patience and inability to become truly angry. Through their meticulous natures, they have become known in Republic/Empire space as excellent engineers.

Our captain's racial patience is most likely what causes him to let everyone remain aboard his vessel. He also exemplifies his species' meticulous nature when conducting repairs, sometimes to the frustration of others aboard the ship. The captain deviates from these standards in that he displays anger, quite frequently. His anger is understandable, considering the situations he finds himself in.

Koah Eeth (Zabrak Technician)

The Zabrak are similar in appearance and coloration to Humans. Their identifying feature would be the horns that sprout in a circle about their heads. As a species they are known for single minded determination and an independence of spirit. Other species see them as proud to the level of arrogance.

Our technician has been the cause of much of our trouble. Her goal is to remain alive, almost to the point of cowardice. She does not inform her captain of direct threats to his vessel, if she thinks it will get her removed from the ship by the captain. Her technical skill cannot be denied. Though, her methods and short cuts annoy the captain in the extreme.

Tomia (Ithorian Diplomat)

The Ithorians are roughly humanoid. They have two mouths, one the front and back of their necks. Their flesh resembles the trees they dwell amongst. As a species they are strict vegans and tend towards pacifism.

The diplomat is extremely polite, but rather bland in personality. She seems socially as well as physically passive. Despite this, she is more than capable of successful negotiations. She also appears to be allied with those that oppose the Imperial government.

Jahjee (Eewuk Warrior)

I do not have any racial generalities for Eewuks, having no knowledge or prior experience with the species. Our Eewuk is small, about waist height. She is covered in fur and has what can be called a "cute" appearance. Her species appears to be functioning at stone level technology. She has shown extreme curiosity and the ability to learn quickly.

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