Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and the Assassin

After our quest was over and we had returned to our sunken ship, we were informed by the Commander that we had to take off. There were hundreds of Rebel troops pinned down under heavy fire, in need of rescue. We were nominated to handle it, despite the fact that a Star Destroyer with bombed out hanger bay was still in orbit. We timed our take-off in such a way as to force the Star Destroyer to travel the farthest to get to us.

When we arrived to the battle site, the fighters were all deployed. Jahjee was assigned to me as a gunner, showing the Rebel Commander's trust of our group. Fire was exchanged. People died on both sides, but we got the troops evacuated. We did lose the other Y-wing, as her pilot did not make a turn in time and impacted into an Imperial Garrison base. This time the Force was kind and saved my small, fuzzy companion's life.

Midway through our initial hyperspace jump, the Commander decided to hold the debriefing on the bridge. Mid-debriefing, someone popped out from behind the Commander and the ground General. Shooting the General, the attacked then tried to bolt away from the bulk of personnel. Having already given my abilities away to the Commander, I decided my intervening was appropriate. I blocked the attacker's escape and proceeded to have a running battle throughout the bridge. Luckily, he managed to avoid shooting random people and I avoided slashing them.

During this battle, Jahjee blasted a communications panel that he had rigged to transmit. Her action managed to keep our location secret. The Captain and the Zabrak kept the engines from overloading, due to another of his sabotage efforts. The Ithorian aided the General by stabilizing his condition and then, in violation of cultural norms, aided my fight by opening fire upon the attacker.

We are now dead in space, with an unconscious General and a broken ship. I'm not sure if "adventure" is the right word for my life...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and the Law

Our local revolutionaries thought that it would be to their advantage to disrupt our sensor tower. The Commander, of course, requested that the Ithorian negotiate a truce. This did result in the entire menagerie heading out on the mission; the Captain, the Ithorian, the Zabrak, Jahjee and myself. The Captain and Zabrak were there to conduct repairs. Jahjee was our scout and I was security.

The local leader accepted our embassy, without attempts to tie us up this time. After some back and forth between the Ithorian and the local, we went on a "quest" for them. Jahjee had gone off scouting and managed to become soundly lost. We triangulated her location and it was conveniently atop our destination for the locals. The Force seems to enjoy messing with me in these ways.

Our quest was to bring back their ancient leader's "weapon." After spelunking in an ancient colony ship and fighting off deadly insects, we surfaced with a data chip full of the laws for the colony. Allowing the others to recover overnight, we headed back to the locals in the morning. The Ithorian presented them with the data chip and I carved it's contents into a nearby cliff. Our problem with the locals resolved, we returned to our submerged vessel.

I do not doubt that should our descendants return to this place, they will find legends of the "lawgivers."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and Blown Secrets

Once all of the small vessels were loaded into the Acclamator's hanger, we were asked by the assault team to help clear out the last pockets of resistance. Within the hanger itself there were several groups firing from cover and attempting to make off with our vehicles. The enemies' positions of high ground and cover put the Rebels in extreme danger. A firefight would result in high loss of life on both sides and damage a great deal of equipment.

I decided that the lives of the Rebels were more important than my secret. The activation of my blade put most of the battle's attention on me and immediately reduced the fire being taken by the assault team. While the Captain was picking off members of one enemy group, I confronted and acquired the surrender of another. The third, the Captain and I were able to distract long enough for the assault team's trap to go off, spacing the lot of them. The rest of the ship was cleared with minimal loss of life on the Rebel side.

The Rebel base commander, who was on the assault team, assigned everyone to crew position. We were severely understaffed for the size of vessel the Acclamator was. Our small team managed to limp through hypserspace to a small moon. It was decided to land in a small lake to prevent detection, while we waited for enough personnel to show up to take proper control of the ship.

Once we were no longer under fire and had some breathing room, I quickly discovered that I now had a following. Before the battle the Rebels had all been rather distant with me; I was now being constantly asked questions, clapped on the back and otherwise treated oddly. I've been polite and answered what questions I could, but otherwise am trying to keep my place within the command structure per my ranking.

A small group of us were sent out to erect a sensor tower. Other than a small side trip caused by local revolutionaries, it was an uneventful expedition.

Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and the Star Destroyer

Well, we had our battle and I am obviously still amongst the living. The Rebels did not trust us yet, so they refused to allow Jahjee be my gunner. I was assigned a Human gunner who seemed close to my age. Jahjee was assigned to the other Y-wing's Human pilot. I gave her a few pointers on what to focus on during the fight. They also provided a gunner and tech crew for the Captain's freighter. The commander did not want us stealing the Y-wing and expensive sensor buoys.

The plan was to draw the Governor's Acclamator Assault ship off by have a large number of "freighters" appear at the edge of the solar system. With it by itself, we would attack with troop ships and the fighters would handle their fighters. We planned on the fact that none of the Governor's ships would be manned by a professional, Imperial crew. This plan would have gone off without a hitch, except for the Imperial Star Destroyer that appeared mid-battle.

The Star Destroyer had come to investigate reports of the Governor's behavior and discovered what appeared to be the Governor fighting "pirates." With nothing larger than the Captain's freighter and incomplete control of the Acclamator, the Star Destroyer suddenly became our primary concern. Luckily for us, they were just as surprised by the battle as we were by their appearance. Their commander panicked.

I used this panic to our advantage. I could react before their shields we fully active. My gunner was and probably still is convinced that I am a madman. Knowing that their first action would be to release TIE fighters, I made my ship look as if it was either badly off course or having a system malfunction. Through this ruse, I was able to get under the Star Destroyer where their hanger bays were. Giving my gunner a count down, we swing in and launched everything we had as soon as the bay doors opened. The resulting explosion accomplished my goal of preventing their TIE fighters from taking on our fighters.

Just as this explosion rocked the Star Destroyer, our backup showed. The Nebulon-B was able to distract the Star Destroyer long enough for us to rendezvous with the mostly under control Acclamator and flee. The Captain's freighter and Jahjee's Y-wing both made it through.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and the Moff

The Star Destroyer that had entered our area wasn't after us, or even the Rebels for that matter. It attacked the Imperial Governor's holdings. We watched the Empire battle itself from a safe distance. The thought of a government physically duking it out with itself, using the defense fleets, is absolutely alien. I can see fighting a rebel group, like the Alliance. This Empire is far from the monolith it likes to portray.

After the Star Destroyer fled, the Rebel commander asked the Ithorian to approach the Imperial Governor. It was to see if he was interested in joining the Alliance. As she is not officially a member of the Alliance, I was designated her "official" Alliance representative. The rest of the crew took us, through a series of hyperspace jumps. Can't have the Governor knowing exactly where we came from.

Despite their state of emergency, we were allowed to approach and land. Their defenses were not run by real professionals. Their poorly constructed space stations were clustered over the capitol city, leaving the rest of the planet exposed for invasion. Their flight groups were also not functioning at even close to Imperial norms. The Governor's forces were not Imperials. They appeared to be some sort of local militia.

After the Ithorian received the run around for awhile, she decided to bypass the usual routes to speak with the Governor. Instead, she chose to look into the military side of things. This meant communicating with the Sector Moff. We found out that he was under house arrest and managed to bluff our way in. The Moff was loyal to the Empire and clearly laid out for us the details of the Governor's attempt at a person fief.

While the Ithorian and I were in with the Moff, Jahjee decided to to take the others out for a ride. She took control of our land speeder and made it go "whee." When they returned, the law enforcement officers were waiting to arrest them. Word had gotten to the Governor of our side approach and he ordered us all arrested. Unbeknown to the rest of the group, this is what the Ithorian had been hoping for. Due to lack of knowledge, they defended themselves.

When the pounding came to the door of the Moff's house, I shoved the two of them into the kitchen. Not wishing to let the Moff see my blade, I armed myself with a large kitchen knife. I knock the one officer out who was on our floor and we fled in the land speeder with the others. We now had the local Governor/Warlord after us and an Imperial Moff in our custody. So much for the Rebels getting the Governor to join.

After a small confrontation with technicians on our ship, the Captain had me take flight control for the escape. Using my previously gleaned information about the defenses, I found us the safest route off the planet. The Zabrak took control of the ship's simple guns while the Captain ran the shields. The Moff watched us all commenting that "Senators' aides have all the fun." Surviving a small skirmish with fighter craft, we entered hyperspace.

During that aforementioned confrontation, the navi-computer was apparently damaged and we overshot our intended destination of Ord Mantell. We instead arrived, safely, at a more remote location. While awaiting the parts to repair the computer, another ship arrived. A bounty hunter minion of the Governor had tracked our hyperspace direction.

The Moff gave us detailed information on the man and his ship. It was decided to approach him when he was outside of his vessel, as it would be safer. Due to the Moff staying on our ship and refusing to go near the bounty hunter, I was able to be more free in my tactics. Jahjee sneaked out and scouted his location. He was in sniper position, ready shoot any of us that left the ship. I sneaked out and closed to engage him in melee. We caught him off guard and he panicked at the site of my blade. he managed to survive a couple of my blows and fled via jetpack. The Captain took the final shot to bring him down.

The local authorities were upset at our use of force. Reprimanding us, they confiscated the bounty hunter's body and ship. It had been my hope to turn him in for the 40,000 credit bounty he had on him and pay off the Captain's debt. So much for that plan.

We fixed the ship and dropped the Moff off at Ord Mantell. He was grateful and may be of some help in the future. With our return to the Rebels, they decided to use the chaos to their advantage. The Rebels want to raid the Governor for military supplies and a cruiser. I shared my knowledge and skills with them, to aid in the plans. The commander seemed pleased with what I provided.

After the planning phase, I was officially assigned to a fighter squadron as a pilot. Jahjee desperately wanted to be a pilot too. As her skills weren't up to their standards and the equipment modification would be messy, they assigned her as a Y-wing tail gunner. I removed her from another pilot's ship and placed her into mine. She would be safer with me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and Place

It has occurred to me that I am an oddity amongst my own people and even more so amongst the people I have found myself.

Due to my sensitivity to the Force and to see what the Human Zin had to teach, my parents allowed her to teach me her ways. She was unaware that her Order had been destroyed and assumed that she was teaching me against it's rules. It was made very clear to me, that we would both get into trouble for my training. I am the only one of my people with this sort of training. So, I am not a Jedi... despite having learned from a lone member of it.

Amongst my people, I am of House Nuruodo. This means that I am of the military caste and should be serving in the CEDF right now. I obviously am not. They did not know what to do with me, when it came time for my placement. My skills, abilities and weapon of choice were not something covered by the CEDF. As a result, I was given basic military training and allowed to pursue my own goals outside of the fleet structure. I decided to explore Zin's Republic.

Since coming to what I thought was the Republic, I have learned that Zin's Order was destroyed and their structure would not punish me. It's remaining members were too busy running for their lives. The new Empire didn't care what I called myself. To them I was a Force using, lightsaber wielding person who had not become Dark. This made me Jedi and it made me an enemy of the state. I must kill witnesses to my weapon and abilities, or earn an immediate bounty on my head. This has driven me to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

To the Rebels, I am happy just to be a pilot. Flying is something I enjoy and excel at. They are aware of my weapon, but nobody has made an issue of it. I do not share their political convictions or the need to "fight for my freedom." My personal freedom will come easily enough, by returning to the Ascendancy. I do not fight against the Empire. I fight against it's Sith masters. Zin was very clear that the Sith were a bad thing. When the Ithorian and I spoke with the Jedi, he was also very clear that the Empire was run by Sith. As long as the Rebels will have me, I will aid their cause.

My companions have largely ignored the "Jedi" label and just call me Lev, or in Jahjee's case "Shaman Lev with the magic sword." They are happy I can help defend them and don't treat me as "other." I cannot claim that dead Order's mantel as I have no real connection to it's traditions or history. Maybe if we find this Master who is supposed to receive the holocron currently riding in my pocket, he can decide if I am Jedi. Until then I am Ensign "Shaman" Lev of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Y-wing pilot.