While on Alderaan, we were hired to transport an unknown shipment to an unknown location. Very shady... The captain accepted the commission. We went to the designated pick up point. It was empty space, except there was a large freighter with several smaller freighters attached.
Once we docked with the "temporary space station," the identities of our employers became very clear. We were being hired to move some of the components needed for a starfighter factory, including some of the cannons for the starfighters. The people hiring us were far too earnest for a criminal network. The involvement of so many Alderaanians also made that world's allegiances clear. Along with our cargo, we brought on a "minder" named Mitch.
Our final destination was buried deep within an asteroid field and the captain was unsure of his ability to pilot us through such an obstacle. I volunteered to take on this task. The Force guided me through to the safety of our final destination. Apparently it had been a less then relaxing ride, as our captain had coiled himself almost completely around the base of the pilot's chair and his facial expression was not one of comfort. Mitch and the crew all just seemed relieved that we had made it. I don't notice such emotional things while focusing on the Force. Perhaps I should work on sensing such things.
We landed safely on the Rebel base within a valley on a large asteroid. The base commander approached the Ithorian and apologized for using her to transmit their message. This and the Ithorian's contact with the Jedi may explain the Inquisitor's interest in our vessel. The Rebels did their best to sell their cause and organization to our entire crew. The Ithorian has opted to not officially join, as she can do more within the Senate. Our captain wishes to remain an independent operator who takes jobs from the Rebels. The Eewuk didn't seem concerned either way. The Zabrak enthusiastically wanted to sign on the line. After clarifying that the Rebels didn't mind "religion" and that I was not representing my species, I did express interest.
Before anything could be clarified, an Imperial cruiser entered the area. My first instinct was that the Inquisitor had tracked us.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and the Ancient Castle
We resolved our bounty hunter problem and discovered a whole new level of trouble in the same breath. Having accepted a commission to travel into the Unknown Regions, nowhere near the Ascendancy, we decided to leave the fellow on a world out of communications with Empire space. Our employers appeared to be relic hunters of some sort and they ignored our prisoner as part of our payment for the run.
During our hyperspace journey, I did manage to get the data retrieval device to work for me. It is a "holocron" that contains the knowledge of many Jedi. It is only accessible to those who touch the Force and had decided that I had gained enough knowledge to access it. The speaker's dialect was difficult to understand, but eventually the entire crew was able to decipher it.
After a brief encounter with kilometer long space whales, we dropped our paying guests off on an extremely remote world. They were hiking into an ancient castle. We decided to explore the rest of the world and find a habitable area for the bounty hunter. He was dropped with some supplies and weapons. We found an ancient craft of Republic origins that contains the bones of a Human, along with a few small trinkets of value. I handed those over to the Ithorian. There was a quick combat resulting in the Eewuk preparing a large quantity of meat.
When we returned to the pickup point, no passengers. Assuming that they had run into the hungry creatures we had encountered, we went up to the castle in search of them. Their camp was guarded by a lone "droid." (Droids are mechanical creatures built by this society to do their menial labor and perform specialized functions. Rather than ensuring that all people of all abilities have employment, they use machines. Again, it is a point of economics.) We found their crushed bodies in the castle, but outside of a sealed door. Crushed, not eaten... it was not the same animal. As the crushing looked like it was done by a weapon, it implied intelligence.
After retrieving the bodies, the captain went through their documentation to determine their real purpose for coming to this remote place. He quickly passed the information to me, saying it should interest me. It did. They were at this place to research a possible connection between Sith Lords and an ancient species that had lived upon their homeworld of Alderaan. The leader was a professor from that world, pursuing research forbidden by the Empire. As I had already given the brief explanation that Sith were "evil Jedi," he thought me best suited to decide our course of action.
With an Inquisitor chasing us, my only thought was the possibility that he could find this place and loot it for things useful to him. I could not allow this to happen, so encouraged the crew to explore the castle. I did add the idea that professor's university might pay a bonus for confirmation or elimination of the man's theories. Using the holocron, we were able to determine that the writing on the doors and walls were indeed Sith.
We opened the door where we had found the bodies. There was a large creature inside who began immediately insulting me and saying that what he had wasn't mine. It also claimed to be a Sith Lord. After a brief exchange of fire, the "Sith Lord's" body was felled. It's alchemy had weakened enough as to be almost no threat. There was a large chest which we managed to open. It contained a first generation lightsaber and a block of material called cortosis. The captain and crew allowed me to retain these things.
We left, took the captain's Hutt his payment, and returned to Alderaan. During our hyperspace journey, I disassembled and reassembled the ancient lightsaber. It was much simpler than my own. As the crystal would serve the university no purpose, I kept it. Unlike our last time, they thoroughly searched us and our vessel. It was standard investigation, since we were returning with the body of some of their citizens. I fully expected to be completely disarmed. They merely returned my blade to me; explaining that it was allowed on their world, but I should avoid "Imperials seeing my religious artifact." The university did pay a reward for the information and accepted my donation of the ancient weapon.
Alderaan may be one of the few places I can claim as safe for me.
During our hyperspace journey, I did manage to get the data retrieval device to work for me. It is a "holocron" that contains the knowledge of many Jedi. It is only accessible to those who touch the Force and had decided that I had gained enough knowledge to access it. The speaker's dialect was difficult to understand, but eventually the entire crew was able to decipher it.
After a brief encounter with kilometer long space whales, we dropped our paying guests off on an extremely remote world. They were hiking into an ancient castle. We decided to explore the rest of the world and find a habitable area for the bounty hunter. He was dropped with some supplies and weapons. We found an ancient craft of Republic origins that contains the bones of a Human, along with a few small trinkets of value. I handed those over to the Ithorian. There was a quick combat resulting in the Eewuk preparing a large quantity of meat.
When we returned to the pickup point, no passengers. Assuming that they had run into the hungry creatures we had encountered, we went up to the castle in search of them. Their camp was guarded by a lone "droid." (Droids are mechanical creatures built by this society to do their menial labor and perform specialized functions. Rather than ensuring that all people of all abilities have employment, they use machines. Again, it is a point of economics.) We found their crushed bodies in the castle, but outside of a sealed door. Crushed, not eaten... it was not the same animal. As the crushing looked like it was done by a weapon, it implied intelligence.
After retrieving the bodies, the captain went through their documentation to determine their real purpose for coming to this remote place. He quickly passed the information to me, saying it should interest me. It did. They were at this place to research a possible connection between Sith Lords and an ancient species that had lived upon their homeworld of Alderaan. The leader was a professor from that world, pursuing research forbidden by the Empire. As I had already given the brief explanation that Sith were "evil Jedi," he thought me best suited to decide our course of action.
With an Inquisitor chasing us, my only thought was the possibility that he could find this place and loot it for things useful to him. I could not allow this to happen, so encouraged the crew to explore the castle. I did add the idea that professor's university might pay a bonus for confirmation or elimination of the man's theories. Using the holocron, we were able to determine that the writing on the doors and walls were indeed Sith.
We opened the door where we had found the bodies. There was a large creature inside who began immediately insulting me and saying that what he had wasn't mine. It also claimed to be a Sith Lord. After a brief exchange of fire, the "Sith Lord's" body was felled. It's alchemy had weakened enough as to be almost no threat. There was a large chest which we managed to open. It contained a first generation lightsaber and a block of material called cortosis. The captain and crew allowed me to retain these things.
We left, took the captain's Hutt his payment, and returned to Alderaan. During our hyperspace journey, I disassembled and reassembled the ancient lightsaber. It was much simpler than my own. As the crystal would serve the university no purpose, I kept it. Unlike our last time, they thoroughly searched us and our vessel. It was standard investigation, since we were returning with the body of some of their citizens. I fully expected to be completely disarmed. They merely returned my blade to me; explaining that it was allowed on their world, but I should avoid "Imperials seeing my religious artifact." The university did pay a reward for the information and accepted my donation of the ancient weapon.
Alderaan may be one of the few places I can claim as safe for me.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Nashasil’ev’nuruodo and the Crew
The people I am traveling with are a diverse and interesting group. I have made passing mention of all of them, but thought I should enter more detail on each of them.
Kahechthan'svor "Than" (Sluissi Ship Captain)
The Sluissi, as a species, are reptilian. They have the lower body of a snake and their upper body resembles most humanoids. Their society is technologically advanced. They known for their extreme calm, patience and inability to become truly angry. Through their meticulous natures, they have become known in Republic/Empire space as excellent engineers.
Our captain's racial patience is most likely what causes him to let everyone remain aboard his vessel. He also exemplifies his species' meticulous nature when conducting repairs, sometimes to the frustration of others aboard the ship. The captain deviates from these standards in that he displays anger, quite frequently. His anger is understandable, considering the situations he finds himself in.
Koah Eeth (Zabrak Technician)
The Zabrak are similar in appearance and coloration to Humans. Their identifying feature would be the horns that sprout in a circle about their heads. As a species they are known for single minded determination and an independence of spirit. Other species see them as proud to the level of arrogance.
Our technician has been the cause of much of our trouble. Her goal is to remain alive, almost to the point of cowardice. She does not inform her captain of direct threats to his vessel, if she thinks it will get her removed from the ship by the captain. Her technical skill cannot be denied. Though, her methods and short cuts annoy the captain in the extreme.
Tomia (Ithorian Diplomat)
The Ithorians are roughly humanoid. They have two mouths, one the front and back of their necks. Their flesh resembles the trees they dwell amongst. As a species they are strict vegans and tend towards pacifism.
The diplomat is extremely polite, but rather bland in personality. She seems socially as well as physically passive. Despite this, she is more than capable of successful negotiations. She also appears to be allied with those that oppose the Imperial government.
Jahjee (Eewuk Warrior)
I do not have any racial generalities for Eewuks, having no knowledge or prior experience with the species. Our Eewuk is small, about waist height. She is covered in fur and has what can be called a "cute" appearance. Her species appears to be functioning at stone level technology. She has shown extreme curiosity and the ability to learn quickly.
Kahechthan'svor "Than" (Sluissi Ship Captain)
The Sluissi, as a species, are reptilian. They have the lower body of a snake and their upper body resembles most humanoids. Their society is technologically advanced. They known for their extreme calm, patience and inability to become truly angry. Through their meticulous natures, they have become known in Republic/Empire space as excellent engineers.
Our captain's racial patience is most likely what causes him to let everyone remain aboard his vessel. He also exemplifies his species' meticulous nature when conducting repairs, sometimes to the frustration of others aboard the ship. The captain deviates from these standards in that he displays anger, quite frequently. His anger is understandable, considering the situations he finds himself in.
Koah Eeth (Zabrak Technician)
The Zabrak are similar in appearance and coloration to Humans. Their identifying feature would be the horns that sprout in a circle about their heads. As a species they are known for single minded determination and an independence of spirit. Other species see them as proud to the level of arrogance.
Our technician has been the cause of much of our trouble. Her goal is to remain alive, almost to the point of cowardice. She does not inform her captain of direct threats to his vessel, if she thinks it will get her removed from the ship by the captain. Her technical skill cannot be denied. Though, her methods and short cuts annoy the captain in the extreme.
Tomia (Ithorian Diplomat)
The Ithorians are roughly humanoid. They have two mouths, one the front and back of their necks. Their flesh resembles the trees they dwell amongst. As a species they are strict vegans and tend towards pacifism.
The diplomat is extremely polite, but rather bland in personality. She seems socially as well as physically passive. Despite this, she is more than capable of successful negotiations. She also appears to be allied with those that oppose the Imperial government.
Jahjee (Eewuk Warrior)
I do not have any racial generalities for Eewuks, having no knowledge or prior experience with the species. Our Eewuk is small, about waist height. She is covered in fur and has what can be called a "cute" appearance. Her species appears to be functioning at stone level technology. She has shown extreme curiosity and the ability to learn quickly.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Nashasil'ev'nuruodo, the Ithorian's Box and a Toilet Bounty Hunter
The Jedi had given the Ithorian a small box to give to a Master Odun. This box has become the sources of much curiosity within the crew. Apparently it has been making noise and moving about on it's own. This made the captain extremely nervous. Our Zabrak is a technician of some skill, so I asked her to break the box open. It is best that we know what it contains, just in case it is something that could endanger us.
Once the Zabrak opened it, we discovered several tubes and an octahedron. The tubes were containers of some sort and the octahedron was carved with designs and runes. The contents were passed around the entire group. I opened one of the tubes, to discover Ilum crystals. These are the extremely rare focusing component in a lightsaber.
The octahedron was some sort of data retrieval device. Nobody knew how to make it work. The only sign it made was to glow slightly in my hands. When I focused on it, a figure appeared calling me "Padawan" and telling me "No." Mildly irritating. This also gave me away to the crew as something more unusual than a soldier. Luckily, none of them knew what a Padawan was.
When we returned to the world where the captain had gotten his ship, we ran into new trouble. The bounty hunter who had been seeking the Zabrak found us there. She was outside and he stunned her. The Eewuk and I rushed out to find him kicking her prone body. He did not heed my request for her return and shot at me instead. Knowing that one more shot could kill me and ultimately her, I had to blow any chance of seeming mundane. The captain came out just in time to see me strike him with my blade and the Eewuk shoot him.
Due to the Eewuk talking to the Ithorian, the only member of the crew unaware of my weapon is the Zabrak. We left with the unconscious bounty hunter and Zabrak in tow. Nobody, but the Eewuk, has spoke of it to me. The Eewuk thinks it's the most amazing thing she has seen and wants one.
The bounty hunter awakened in hyperspace and we were able to ascertain that the entire problem was caused by the Zabrak's sister. Apparently, she is even more criminally aligned than my current companions. We are at a loss as to what to do with the bounty hunter now. He has seen my blade and knows who we all are. It also won't take long for him to learn of the Inquisitor's search for the Ithorian. According to Zin's teachings, killing him would take me towards the Dark. Letting him go would endanger my life and the lives of the other people on the ship. This has resulted in us having a prisoner.
On our current stop, I have found myself pretending to use the refresher during ship inspection. The bounty hunter got to observe the business end of my blaster pistol during our time in the refresher together. I don't think either of us consider it a bonding experience.
Once the Zabrak opened it, we discovered several tubes and an octahedron. The tubes were containers of some sort and the octahedron was carved with designs and runes. The contents were passed around the entire group. I opened one of the tubes, to discover Ilum crystals. These are the extremely rare focusing component in a lightsaber.
The octahedron was some sort of data retrieval device. Nobody knew how to make it work. The only sign it made was to glow slightly in my hands. When I focused on it, a figure appeared calling me "Padawan" and telling me "No." Mildly irritating. This also gave me away to the crew as something more unusual than a soldier. Luckily, none of them knew what a Padawan was.
When we returned to the world where the captain had gotten his ship, we ran into new trouble. The bounty hunter who had been seeking the Zabrak found us there. She was outside and he stunned her. The Eewuk and I rushed out to find him kicking her prone body. He did not heed my request for her return and shot at me instead. Knowing that one more shot could kill me and ultimately her, I had to blow any chance of seeming mundane. The captain came out just in time to see me strike him with my blade and the Eewuk shoot him.
Due to the Eewuk talking to the Ithorian, the only member of the crew unaware of my weapon is the Zabrak. We left with the unconscious bounty hunter and Zabrak in tow. Nobody, but the Eewuk, has spoke of it to me. The Eewuk thinks it's the most amazing thing she has seen and wants one.
The bounty hunter awakened in hyperspace and we were able to ascertain that the entire problem was caused by the Zabrak's sister. Apparently, she is even more criminally aligned than my current companions. We are at a loss as to what to do with the bounty hunter now. He has seen my blade and knows who we all are. It also won't take long for him to learn of the Inquisitor's search for the Ithorian. According to Zin's teachings, killing him would take me towards the Dark. Letting him go would endanger my life and the lives of the other people on the ship. This has resulted in us having a prisoner.
On our current stop, I have found myself pretending to use the refresher during ship inspection. The bounty hunter got to observe the business end of my blaster pistol during our time in the refresher together. I don't think either of us consider it a bonding experience.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and Being on the Run
The Eewuk proved to not be overly effective in the use of her own spear. Her size and physical strength were not sufficient to breach the armor of the Empire's soldiers. As it doe not take technological knowledge to fire a pistol, just the ability to aim. I taught her how to use one of the blaster pistols. I did have to remove the trigger guard, to allow her rather fuzzy fingers to fit. She is an apt pupil and will do well with firearms.
It didn't take too long for us to find out that the Empire was looking for our ship. It seems that an "Inquisitor" wanted to talk to the Ithorian. This made our already angry captain even more angry. I suppose that it is a good thing that our captain does not touch the Force. I need to study his species more to determine why he would keep us around, even though everyone except the Eewuk has endangered the ship.
We visited a very pleasant world, called Alderaan. The Ithorian took the Eewuk and I to the palace of the planet's government. During the social event there, she ascertained the identity of the Inquisitor. I was able to determine that he was the Dark man from the shopping mall. It also seems that my distant, adopted cousin has allied himself with the Empire. I was mistaken for him by both a General Riekeen and the planet's Princess. It did not take long to disabuse them of that idea. Though, my presence did seem to unnerve them.
The Ithorian has sought and received permission from the captain to remain aboard the ship, in exchange for her negotiating our cargo deals. The Eewuk remains with her.
It didn't take too long for us to find out that the Empire was looking for our ship. It seems that an "Inquisitor" wanted to talk to the Ithorian. This made our already angry captain even more angry. I suppose that it is a good thing that our captain does not touch the Force. I need to study his species more to determine why he would keep us around, even though everyone except the Eewuk has endangered the ship.
We visited a very pleasant world, called Alderaan. The Ithorian took the Eewuk and I to the palace of the planet's government. During the social event there, she ascertained the identity of the Inquisitor. I was able to determine that he was the Dark man from the shopping mall. It also seems that my distant, adopted cousin has allied himself with the Empire. I was mistaken for him by both a General Riekeen and the planet's Princess. It did not take long to disabuse them of that idea. Though, my presence did seem to unnerve them.
The Ithorian has sought and received permission from the captain to remain aboard the ship, in exchange for her negotiating our cargo deals. The Eewuk remains with her.
Nashasil'ev'nuruodo, Dead Bodies, Live Ones and Jedi
We managed to gain a cargo contract and get rid of our little problem in the refresher, all at once. Using the moving of cargo in and out of the ship, we moved the bodies out. They are now the problem of the municipal trash cleaners. There will be the smell of cleaning chemicals on the ship for weeks.
As we were preparing to leave the quarantined planet, a couple of the Imperial military's armored soldiers arrived... with two non-Humans in tow. The taller of the two was an Ithorian and some sort of Senate functionary and needed transport to our next stop. The smaller of the two was a technologically primitive tag along. The small one would be the first species I had not ever heard of that I would be traveling with. She called herself Eewuk.
As the captain was beginning his negotiations for the Ithorian's transport, the soldiers rushed out of the bay. I, being a curious sort, followed them. So far, I had only seen these soldiers travel with one of the Dark, frighten civilians, damage a shopping mall and fail at capturing one man with a lightsaber. I wanted to see the next show.
As soon as the soldiers finished setting a grenade charge, they backed into the corridor leading to our ship and ordered me onto the ship. I just stepped further back down the corridor, to watch what happened. The soldiers proved their inability to think on their feet when they turned and ignored me in favor of looking for their target. The Empire apparently doesn't encourage individual excellence. How do they determine promotions?
The target of the explosion wasn't felled by it. It was that same Human Jedi from the shopping mall. He was heading directly towards our docking bay and looked a little worse for wear. It was doubtful as to whether he would survive against the two soldiers. For someone of skill, intelligence and honor to fall to the likes of these machine-like men; would be a disgrace. I decided to make the fight more even. With the use of my blaster, I effectively removed one soldier from the combat with the Jedi. The Zabrak also stepped in and decided to weigh the odds against the soldiers.
After it was all done, the Jedi asked to speak with the Ithorian. Words and objects were exchanged. The Jedi actually claimed that the Empire was run by or allied with the Sith. Those are legends I remember from Zin. Those are not good legends in any way. It is even more pressing that the Ascendancy be made aware of the goings on within the Republic/Empire.
Our very angry captain took us from that world. As we were being scanned so thoroughly that my eyeballs vibrated, a message was sent from the planet. Someone had broken into the planet's government center and hijacked the Empire's communications system, the HoloNet. Apparently, a treaty had been signed officially declaring a Rebellion to Restore the Republic. The Empire was now in the midst of a civil war. Maybe this can distract them enough to give the Ascendancy time to prepare for the eventual invasion of our territory.
As we were preparing to leave the quarantined planet, a couple of the Imperial military's armored soldiers arrived... with two non-Humans in tow. The taller of the two was an Ithorian and some sort of Senate functionary and needed transport to our next stop. The smaller of the two was a technologically primitive tag along. The small one would be the first species I had not ever heard of that I would be traveling with. She called herself Eewuk.
As the captain was beginning his negotiations for the Ithorian's transport, the soldiers rushed out of the bay. I, being a curious sort, followed them. So far, I had only seen these soldiers travel with one of the Dark, frighten civilians, damage a shopping mall and fail at capturing one man with a lightsaber. I wanted to see the next show.
As soon as the soldiers finished setting a grenade charge, they backed into the corridor leading to our ship and ordered me onto the ship. I just stepped further back down the corridor, to watch what happened. The soldiers proved their inability to think on their feet when they turned and ignored me in favor of looking for their target. The Empire apparently doesn't encourage individual excellence. How do they determine promotions?
The target of the explosion wasn't felled by it. It was that same Human Jedi from the shopping mall. He was heading directly towards our docking bay and looked a little worse for wear. It was doubtful as to whether he would survive against the two soldiers. For someone of skill, intelligence and honor to fall to the likes of these machine-like men; would be a disgrace. I decided to make the fight more even. With the use of my blaster, I effectively removed one soldier from the combat with the Jedi. The Zabrak also stepped in and decided to weigh the odds against the soldiers.
After it was all done, the Jedi asked to speak with the Ithorian. Words and objects were exchanged. The Jedi actually claimed that the Empire was run by or allied with the Sith. Those are legends I remember from Zin. Those are not good legends in any way. It is even more pressing that the Ascendancy be made aware of the goings on within the Republic/Empire.
Our very angry captain took us from that world. As we were being scanned so thoroughly that my eyeballs vibrated, a message was sent from the planet. Someone had broken into the planet's government center and hijacked the Empire's communications system, the HoloNet. Apparently, a treaty had been signed officially declaring a Rebellion to Restore the Republic. The Empire was now in the midst of a civil war. Maybe this can distract them enough to give the Ascendancy time to prepare for the eventual invasion of our territory.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and the Jedi
The Empire says there is a Jedi loose on the world where the ship was almost hijacked. I have seen the Jedi. He swears and runs very fast. His blade is blue, unlike my own. The Empire also seems to specifically ally themselves with those that Zin called Dark. The man chasing the Jedi wielded the Force and had the yellowed eyes of one who has been consumed by his baser urges.
The Ascendancy must be made aware of a dangerous, expansionist, hater of non-Humans society on it's doorstep. I agree with my cousin in one thing, we must stay aware of our neighbors and be vigilant against new threats.
We have been quarantined on the world, due to the Jedi. For any ship to leave it must undergo extensive scanning... and we have several dead hijackers hidden in our refresher.
The Ascendancy must be made aware of a dangerous, expansionist, hater of non-Humans society on it's doorstep. I agree with my cousin in one thing, we must stay aware of our neighbors and be vigilant against new threats.
We have been quarantined on the world, due to the Jedi. For any ship to leave it must undergo extensive scanning... and we have several dead hijackers hidden in our refresher.
Nashil'ev'nuruodo and the Crime Freighter
Luckily, I didn't float for too long before I was found. A small freighter captained by a Sluissi and crewed by a Zabrak rescued me. They didn't attempt take anything from me and were very polite, even though neither of them could pronounce my name. I have to let them use my core name, as it's less painful to hear.
It didn't take long for me to discover that these two weren't exactly legitimate operators. Shortly after I was picked up, they made a hasty entry into hyperspace to avoid a bounty hunter who was looking for the Zabrak. This fact had apparently been unknown to the captain, as he was rather upset with the Zabrak for it.
I also learned that the "Grand Republic" was gone and had been replaced by an Empire. This Empire was run by Humans and for Humans. It seems the non-Human races are being marginalized by this new, more militaristic society. The Jedi have also been completely outlawed and it seems this Empire may lump me in with them.
When we made our first stop; the captain didn't ask me to leave his vessel, so I just stayed on board. Small cargo haulers operating on the fringe of society might provide me with a wider perspective than traveling on my own.
I also entered my first combat on the captain's behalf. In one of his legitimate shipments, someone had hidden some sort of highly illegal substance. Rather than picking it up in the shipment, they decided to try to take the shipment and the ship. As they had opened fire upon us and were intending on killing the entire crew (which they labeled me), my only choice was to eliminate the threat.
I now own a "blaster" pistol. It seems similar to a charric except it is less damaging and has greater range. The weapons here also come with a stun setting standard. Odd.
It didn't take long for me to discover that these two weren't exactly legitimate operators. Shortly after I was picked up, they made a hasty entry into hyperspace to avoid a bounty hunter who was looking for the Zabrak. This fact had apparently been unknown to the captain, as he was rather upset with the Zabrak for it.
I also learned that the "Grand Republic" was gone and had been replaced by an Empire. This Empire was run by Humans and for Humans. It seems the non-Human races are being marginalized by this new, more militaristic society. The Jedi have also been completely outlawed and it seems this Empire may lump me in with them.
When we made our first stop; the captain didn't ask me to leave his vessel, so I just stayed on board. Small cargo haulers operating on the fringe of society might provide me with a wider perspective than traveling on my own.
I also entered my first combat on the captain's behalf. In one of his legitimate shipments, someone had hidden some sort of highly illegal substance. Rather than picking it up in the shipment, they decided to try to take the shipment and the ship. As they had opened fire upon us and were intending on killing the entire crew (which they labeled me), my only choice was to eliminate the threat.
I now own a "blaster" pistol. It seems similar to a charric except it is less damaging and has greater range. The weapons here also come with a stun setting standard. Odd.
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