Friday, January 15, 2010

Nashasil’ev’nuruodo and the Grand Republic

Before she died, Zin Kao told many stories about her Grand Republic. Unlike the Ascendancy, her Republic has many species that co-exist within it. This society is based upon economics rather than caste, which is very different then my own. Those who are not born into one of the Great Houses gets placed into a caste associated with a House, based on their aptitude. If you are born into a Great House and show no aptitude, you have a name and nothing more. For your rank to be based on money and not skill, is odd.

As I travel amongst them, I can only hope that my lack of Republic identification does not cause too much difficulty. From the corruption and chaos she described, their society has a very large underground. It is amongst these people that I shall most likely spend the majority of my time. This is probably for the best. I do not want to cause their Senate to think I am spying for invasion, nor do I want to run afoul of their Jedi. Zin said I should be careful of them, as my training was not sanctioned by their Council. There is also the unfortunate incident between Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo and a Jedi expedition. Should the Republic and Jedi find out, a Chiss of House Nuruodo would not be exactly popular.

The CEDF has issued me a ship for my exploration. It is an older vessel that was retired from active service with the picket fleets, but it is still serviceable. Before he was exiled, Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo had entered data into the Expeditionary Library that he had gathered from the K'rell'n smugglers. This included some star charts. As I prepare my hyperspace calculations, may the Force guide me and keep me from immediate danger.