Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nashasil'ev'nuruodo and Danger Everywhere!

So there I was being bored, sailing through hyperspace on my way to the Core of Zin's Grand Republic... I woke up from a catnap in a panic, completely sure that if I kept my current heading I would die. It was rather like my own personal klaxon going off in my head. It kept screaming "DON'T GO THAT WAY!!"

I was a complete idiot and changed my course mid-trip. Now, I'm paying for that poor decision. I came out of hyperspace and wasn't destroyed by some nebulous danger. I'm just floating in the middle of nowhere and my ship's systems are completely fried. Life support, my emergency beacon and the comm seem to be the only systems functioning. I guess I can thank the Force for small miracles.

Now, let's just hope that I'm found by someone who doesn't want to kill or enslave me.

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